The Ins and Outs of Nissan ProPILOT Assist Technology

The Ins and Outs of Nissan ProPILOT Assist Technology

While we still have to actually drive (most) of our cars with our hands on the wheel and feet on the pedals at all times, level 2 and 3 autonomous tech is coming thick and fast into the car world. We aren’t at fully self-driving cars yet, but we’re coming close when you consider systems like Nissan’s ProPILOT Assist technology (PPA).

Essentially, what Nissan ProPILOT Assist does is take the intelligent adaptive cruise control and steer assist technologies found on many new Nissan vehicles and combines them to help you bring your car to a full stop and then have it start again without ever having to touch the pedals. This is especially helpful in stop-and-go rush hour traffic as it can lead to much less driver fatigue since they don’t have to be constantly working the pedals. Moreover, Nissan ProPILOT Assist can keep your Nissan in the centre of the lane. You will feel slight nudges of the steering wheel as you go around corners.

Of course, don’t think that once you’re free of the rush hour grind or driving on the highway PPA’s duties are done; far from it. With Nissan ProPILOT Assist with Navi-link, the system can look “down the road” through your navigation instructions and help you reduce speed through turns and on/off ramps. It will even help drivers adjust to the speed limit with the Speed Limit Assist feature. In other words, if your navigation route takes you off the highway, the system will slow down automatically in the exit ramp, and if you want to follow the speed limit the system can adjust the speed automatically as well.

Nissan ProPILOT Assist is there when you need it

It activates with the press of a wheel-mounted button and depends on cameras and radar sensors; there’s a camera at the top of the windscreen (right behind the mirror) as well as a radar sensor looking forward. The system is designed to make your journey easier and more enjoyable, and it stands out with how natural it feels. It isn’t intrusive or annoying, it simply assists in making the necessary adjustments to keep you safe and make your commute more peaceful.

Highlights of the Nissan ProPILOT Assist system

- Automatically keep a set distance from the vehicle ahead and follow traffic

- Can keep you in the centre of your lane automatically with subtle steering adjustments

- Can adjust speed based on the road you are driving

- Can be turned on or off easily

Nissan’s ProPILOT Assist system duplicates the features of the best driver assistance technologies found on modern ultra-luxury vehicles. Give us a call today to learn more!